Author: Saravana Kumar

  • How to Check Rainfall Data in Tamil Nadu

    Step 1:
    Click Here to open the Tamil Nadu Rainfall Data portal.

    Step 2:
    Choose your preferred language: English (En) or Tamil (த).

    Step 3:

    • Select the “District Wise” option in type
    • Choose the desired date.
    • Click “Submit” or (சமர்ப்பிக்கவும்) to view the rainfall data.

    Note: The data represents the last 24 hours from the selected date. For example, selecting 13-Dec-2024 will show the rainfall data from 12-Dec-2024 at 8:30 AM to 13-Dec-2024 at 8:30 AM.

    Step 4:
    To download the report in PDF format, click the button.

    Step 5:

    For Example In Google Chrome After Click button

    If the data does not load properly:

    • Click Cancel and then click the button again

    Step 6:
    Once the data loads correctly:

    Click Save to download the report.

    For advanced settings before saving or printing:

    • Ensure the paper size is set to A4.
    • Select Landscape Layout for better visibility.
    • To include colors and background graphics in the report, enable the “Background Graphics” option.

  • Python Modules and Libraries: How to Use and Import Them

    1. Introduction

    “Hello everyone! Welcome back to our Python learning series. Today, we are going to talk about a very interesting topic: Modules and Libraries in Python. Whether you’re a student or working in an office, this concept will save you time and effort in coding. Let’s dive in!”

    2.What Are Modules and Libraries?

    • Definition of Modules:
      “Modules are like tools. Instead of writing everything from scratch, you can use these pre-built tools to do tasks quickly. For example, Python has a module called math for calculations.”
    • Definition of Libraries:
      “A library is a collection of many modules. Think of it like a toolbox full of different tools for different tasks. Libraries like pandas and openpyxl are used for tasks like managing Excel files.”

    3. How to Import Modules –

    • Basic Syntax:
    import module_name

    “For example, to use the math module, just type: import math.”

    • Example 1: Calculate Square Root with math Module
    import math 
    result = math.sqrt(16) 
    print("The square root of 16 is:", result)

    4. Import Specific Function:

    from math import sqrt 
    result = sqrt(25) 
    print("Square root of 25 is:", result)
    • “This way, we import only the part we need, making the code shorter.”

    5. Examples for Modules

    1. random Module for Selecting Random Items
    import random students = ["Amit", "Priya", "Rahul", "Sneha"] 
    chosen = random.choice(students) 
    print("The chosen student is:", chosen)

    2. datetime for Date and Time

    from datetime import datetime 
    now = 
    print("Current date and time:", now)

    6. Examples Useful Libraries

    1. openpyxl for Excel Files
      • “Imagine you have an Excel file and want to automate tasks like reading or writing data.”
    from openpyxl import Workbook
    workbook = Workbook() 
    sheet = 
    sheet["A1"] = "Hello, Excel!""example.xlsx")
    print("Excel file created!")

    2. os for Managing Files

    • “This library helps you work with files and folders directly in Python.”

    import os os.makedirs("NewFolder") 
    print("Folder created!")

    7. How to Install External Libraries

    • Using pip Command:
      “To install a library not built into Python, use the pip command in command prompt. For example:
    pip install pandas 

    “This installs the pandas library, which is great for handling large datasets.

    Pre-installed modules and libraries:

    Python comes with a standard library that includes many pre-installed modules and libraries, making it easy to perform a wide range of tasks without installing additional packages. Below are some of the commonly used predefined modules and libraries included in Python:

    1. General Purpose Modules

    • sys: Provides access to system-specific parameters and functions.
      • Example: sys.argv for command-line arguments.
    • os: For interacting with the operating system.
      • Example: os.listdir() to list files in a directory.
    • time: Handles time-related tasks.
      • Example: time.sleep() to pause execution.
    • datetime: For working with dates and times.
      • Example: to get the current date.
    • platform: Provides information about the platform (OS, Python version, etc.).
      • Example: platform.system() to get the OS name.

    2. File and Directory Handling

    • shutil: High-level file and directory operations.
      • Example: shutil.copy() to copy files.
    • pathlib: Object-oriented approach to working with file paths.
      • Example: Path().exists() to check if a file exists.
    • glob: To find file paths using patterns.
      • Example: glob.glob('*.txt') to find all text files.

    3. Data Handling and Manipulation

    • json: For working with JSON data.
      • Example: json.dumps() to convert Python objects to JSON.
    • csv: For reading and writing CSV files.
      • Example: csv.reader() to read CSV files.
    • sqlite3: For working with SQLite databases.
      • Example: sqlite3.connect() to connect to a database.
    • pickle: For serializing and deserializing Python objects.
      • Example: pickle.dump() to save objects to a file.

    4. Math and Statistics

    • math: Provides mathematical functions.
      • Example: math.sqrt() to find the square root.
    • statistics: For statistical calculations.
      • Example: statistics.mean() to calculate the average.
    • random: For generating random numbers.
      • Example: random.randint() for random integers.

    5. Internet and Web

    • urllib: For working with URLs.
      • Example: urllib.request.urlopen() to fetch web pages.
    • http: For handling HTTP requests.
      • Example: http.client for HTTP communication.
    • email: For email processing.
      • Example: email.message to create email messages.

    6. Text Processing

    • re: For regular expressions.
      • Example: to search patterns in text.
    • string: Common string operations.
      • Example: string.ascii_letters to get all alphabets.
    • textwrap: For wrapping and formatting text.
      • Example: textwrap.wrap() to wrap text to a specified width.

    7. Debugging and Testing

    • logging: For logging messages.
      • Example: to log informational messages.
    • unittest: For writing test cases.
      • Example: unittest.TestCase to define test cases.
    • pdb: Python debugger for debugging code.
      • Example: pdb.set_trace() to set a breakpoint.

    8. Networking

    • socket: For network communication.
      • Example: socket.socket() to create a socket.
    • ipaddress: For working with IP addresses.
      • Example: ipaddress.ip_network() to define a network.

    9. GUI Development

    • tkinter: For creating graphical user interfaces.
      • Example: tkinter.Tk() to create a window.

    10. Cryptography and Security

    • hashlib: For generating secure hashes.
      • Example: hashlib.md5() to generate MD5 hashes.
    • hmac: For keyed-hashing for message authentication.
      • Example: to create a hash object.

    11. Advanced Topics

    • itertools: For efficient looping.
      • Example: itertools.permutations() to generate permutations.
    • functools: For higher-order functions.
      • Example: functools.reduce() to reduce a list.
    • collections: High-performance data structures.
      • Example: collections.Counter() to count elements in a list.

    n Python, the terms module and library are often used interchangeably, but they do have slight distinctions:

    Key Differences

    • Module: A single Python file containing definitions (functions, classes, variables) and code.
    • Library: A collection of modules that provide related functionality. For example, Python’s standard library is a collection of modules and packages included with Python.

    Now, let’s clarify which items in the above list are modules and which are libraries:

    General Purpose

    • sys: Module
    • os: Module
    • time: Module
    • datetime: Module
    • platform: Module

    File and Directory Handling

    • shutil: Module
    • pathlib: Module
    • glob: Module

    Data Handling and Manipulation

    • json: Module
    • csv: Module
    • sqlite3: Module
    • pickle: Module

    Math and Statistics

    • math: Module
    • statistics: Module
    • random: Module

    Internet and Web

    • urllib: Library (contains submodules like urllib.request and urllib.parse)
    • http: Library (contains submodules like http.client and http.server)
    • email: Library (contains submodules like email.message and email.mime)

    Text Processing

    • re: Module
    • string: Module
    • textwrap: Module

    Debugging and Testing

    • logging: Module
    • unittest: Library (contains submodules like unittest.mock)
    • pdb: Module


    • socket: Module
    • ipaddress: Module

    GUI Development

    • tkinter: Library (contains modules like tkinter.ttk and tkinter.messagebox)

    Cryptography and Security

    • hashlib: Module
    • hmac: Module

    Advanced Topics

    • itertools: Module
    • functools: Module
    • collections: Module

    Most famous external libraries in Python

    1. Data Science and Machine Learning

    • NumPy: For numerical computing and handling multi-dimensional arrays.
    • Pandas: For data manipulation and analysis.
    • Matplotlib: For creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations.
    • Seaborn: For statistical data visualization built on top of Matplotlib.
    • Scikit-learn: For machine learning, including classification, regression, and clustering.
    • TensorFlow: For deep learning and AI.
    • PyTorch: Another powerful deep learning library.
    • Keras: A high-level API for TensorFlow, focusing on ease of use.
    • Statsmodels: For statistical modeling and hypothesis testing.

    2. Data Visualization

    • Plotly: For interactive visualizations, including charts, graphs, and dashboards.
    • Bokeh: For creating interactive visualizations in a web browser.
    • Altair: Declarative statistical visualization library for Python.

    3. Web Development

    • Django: A high-level web framework for rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
    • Flask: A lightweight and flexible web framework.
    • FastAPI: A modern web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+.
    • Bottle: A micro web framework that is simple to use.

    4. Automation and Scripting

    • Selenium: For automating web browsers.
    • BeautifulSoup: For web scraping and parsing HTML/XML.
    • Requests: For making HTTP requests easily.
    • PyAutoGUI: For GUI automation tasks like controlling the mouse and keyboard.

    5. Game Development

    • Pygame: For developing 2D games.
    • Godot: Python bindings for the Godot game engine.
    • Arcade: Another library for developing 2D games.

    6. Networking

    • SocketIO: For WebSocket communication.
    • Paramiko: For SSH and SFTP.
    • Twisted: For event-driven networking.

    7. Database Handling

    • SQLAlchemy: For database access and object-relational mapping (ORM).
    • PyMongo: For MongoDB interaction.
    • Psycopg2: For working with PostgreSQL databases.

    8. Cryptography and Security

    • Cryptography: For secure encryption and decryption.
    • PyJWT: For JSON Web Tokens (JWT) authentication.
    • Passlib: For password hashing.

    9. GUI Development

    • PyQt: For building cross-platform graphical applications.
    • Kivy: For developing multi-touch applications.
    • Tkinter: The standard GUI toolkit for Python.

    10. Testing

    • pytest: A powerful framework for testing.
    • unittest: Built-in testing framework (but pytest is more flexible).
    • Mock: For mocking objects in tests.

    11. File Handling

    • PyPDF2: For working with PDF files.
    • OpenPyXL: For reading and writing Excel files.
    • Pillow: For image manipulation and processing.

    12. Other Popular Libraries

    • pytz: For timezone handling.
    • Arrow: For working with dates and times in an easy and human-friendly way.
    • Shapely: For geometric operations.
    • Geopy: For geocoding and working with geographic data.
    • MoviePy: For video editing.

    13. AI and Natural Language Processing (NLP)

    • NLTK: For natural language processing.
    • spaCy: Another NLP library for processing large text datasets.
    • OpenCV: For computer vision and image processing.
    • transformers (by Hugging Face): For working with state-of-the-art NLP models.

  • Lesson 7: Adding Images with the Tag


    By the end of this lesson, you will understand how to use the <img> tag to add images to a webpage, along with the importance of attributes like src, alt, width, and height. You will also learn how to choose the right image format and follow best practices for adding images to enhance your website.


    Images play a crucial role in making web pages visually appealing and engaging. The <img> tag in HTML allows you to embed images on a webpage easily. Whether you’re adding a photo, a logo, or an icon, the <img> tag is an essential tool for displaying visual content.

    What is the <img> Tag?

    The <img> tag is used to embed images into your HTML document. It is a self-closing tag, meaning it doesn’t require a closing tag.

    Syntax of the <img> Tag:

    <img src="image.jpg" alt="Description of Image">

    Let’s break this down:

    • src (Source) – This attribute specifies the path or URL of the image you want to display. The src can either link to a local file or an external URL.
    • alt (Alternative Text) – The alt attribute provides a text description of the image. It’s important for accessibility and helps search engines understand the content of the image.

    Example of Adding an Image:

    <img src="" alt="A beautiful sunset over the mountains">

    In this example:

    • The image is fetched from the URL
    • The alternative text "A beautiful sunset over the mountains" is displayed if the image cannot be loaded or for users relying on screen readers.

    Key Attributes of the <img> Tag:

    1. src (Source): This attribute is used to specify the location of the image file.
    2. alt (Alternative Text): A description of the image for accessibility purposes and when the image fails to load.
    3. width and height: You can use the width and height attributes to define the size of the image in pixels.
      <img src="image.jpg" alt="Beautiful Sunset" width="600" height="400">
    4. title: The title attribute provides additional information about the image that appears when you hover over the image.
      <img src="image.jpg" alt="Beautiful Sunset" title="A beautiful view of nature">

    Image Formats:

    HTML supports several image formats:

    • JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg) – Best for photographs and images with gradients.
    • PNG (.png) – Suitable for images with transparency or logos.
    • GIF (.gif) – Often used for animated images.
    • SVG (.svg) – A vector image format, ideal for logos and illustrations.

    Best Practices for Adding Images:

    • Use Descriptive Alt Text: Always include descriptive alt text to make your site more accessible.
    • Optimize Image Size: Ensure images are not too large to reduce page load times.
    • Choose the Right Format: Use the correct image format based on the type of image (e.g., use PNG for transparent backgrounds, JPEG for photos).

    Example of a Full Image Tag with Attributes:

    <img src="" alt="A beautiful sunset over the ocean" width="800" height="600" title="Sunset View">

    This example shows:

    • The image will be displayed with a width of 800px and height of 600px.
    • The alt text will be shown if the image can’t be loaded.
    • The title will appear when the user hovers over the image.


    The <img> tag is an essential HTML tag for embedding images into your website. Understanding its attributes, like src, alt, width, and height, will allow you to create visually engaging web pages. Additionally, following best practices for image optimization and accessibility will help ensure a better user experience.

  • Lesson 6: Creating Links with the Tag

    Learn how to use the <a> tag to create hyperlinks in HTML, including external, internal, email, and section navigation links.


    In HTML, the <a> tag, known as the anchor tag, is used to create links. These links are fundamental for navigating between pages, sections, or even triggering actions like opening an email client. By understanding how to use the <a> tag, you can build a seamless navigation system for your website.

    The Structure of the <a> Tag

    The basic structure of the <a> tag is as follows:

    <a href="URL">Link Text</a>
    • href: This attribute contains the URL or target location for the link.
    • Link Text: This is the text or content displayed on the page that users will click.

    Types of Links

    1. External Links

    External links direct users to other websites.

    <a href="">Visit Example Website</a>

    2. Internal Links

    Internal links navigate users to another page on the same website.

    <a href="about.html">About Us</a>

    3. Email Links

    Email links open the default email client with a prefilled recipient’s email address.

    <a href="">Contact Support</a>

    4. Section Links

    Section links allow users to jump to a specific part of the same page.

    <a href="#contact">Go to Contact Section</a>
    <!-- Target Section -->
    <h2 id="contact">Contact Us</h2>

    5. Open in a New Tab

    To open a link in a new tab, use the target="_blank" attribute.

    <a href="" target="_blank">Open Example in New Tab</a>

    6. Phone Links

    Phone links allow users to dial a phone number directly on mobile devices.

    <a href="tel:+1234567890">Call Us Now</a>

    Best Practices for Using the <a> Tag

    1. Use Descriptive Link Text
      Instead of generic phrases like “Click Here,” provide text that clearly describes the target link, such as “Read Our Blog”.
    2. Test Your Links Regularly
      Ensure that all links on your website are working correctly and direct users to the intended destinations.
    3. Use target="_blank" Sparingly
      Open links in a new tab only when necessary to avoid overwhelming the user with too many tabs.
    4. Consider Accessibility
      Provide descriptive text or use the aria-label attribute to assist users who rely on screen readers.
    5. SEO Considerations
      Use rel="nofollow" for links to pages that you don’t want search engines to follow, such as sponsored links.

    Code Examples

    Example: Navigation Menu

    <li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="about.html">About</a></li>
    <li><a href="services.html">Services</a></li>
    <li><a href="contact.html">Contact</a></li>

    Example: Back-to-Top Button

    <a href="#top">Back to Top</a>


    The <a> tag is a powerful and essential tool in HTML. By learning how to use it effectively, you can create smooth, user-friendly navigation for your website, enhancing the overall user experience and accessibility.

    HTML Links Quiz – Lesson 6

    Test your knowledge about creating links with the <a> tag by answering the following questions. Each question has one correct answer. Click “Finish Quiz” to view your results.

    Quiz: HTML Links with <a> Tag

  • Lesson 5: HTML Headings and Paragraphs


    • Learn about headings (<h1> to <h6>) in HTML.
    • Understand how to use paragraphs (<p>) to organize text.
    • Discover how to structure your webpage using these tags.


    HTML headings and paragraphs are used to structure text on a webpage. Headings define titles, and paragraphs group sentences into meaningful sections.

    1. What are HTML Headings?

    Headings are like titles or subtitles. They make text easier to read and understand. HTML provides six levels of headings: <h1> is the largest and most important, and <h6> is the smallest and least important.

    <h1>Main Title</h1>
    <h3>Section Title</h3>
    <h5>Minor Details</h5>
    <h6>Smallest Text</h6>

    2. What are HTML Paragraphs?

    Paragraphs are used to write blocks of text. The <p> tag creates paragraphs.

    <p>This is a paragraph. It organizes text into readable sections.</p>

    3. Using Headings and Paragraphs Together

    Headings and paragraphs work together to make your webpage organized. Use headings for titles and paragraphs for the details.

    <h1>Welcome to My Website</h1>
    <p>This website teaches the basics of HTML in simple steps.</p>
    <h2>Why Learn HTML?</h2>
    <p>HTML is the foundation of web development. It helps you create and design webpages.</p>

    4. Best Practices for Headings and Paragraphs

    1. Use only one <h1> per page for the main title.
    2. Use headings in order (<h1> first, then <h2>, etc.).
    3. Write short and clear paragraphs.
    4. Don’t skip heading levels (e.g., don’t jump from <h1> to <h3>).

    5. Activity:

    Create a webpage with:

    • A main title using <h1>.
    • A subtitle using <h2>.
    • Two paragraphs about any topic you like.
    Example Activity Code:
    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>HTML Headings and Paragraphs</title>
        <h1>Learn HTML Basics</h1>
        <p>HTML is used to create webpages. It is easy to learn and widely used.</p>
        <h2>Why Learn HTML?</h2>
        <p>HTML is the foundation of every website. By learning HTML, you can create well-structured webpages.</p>


    • Use headings (<h1> to <h6>) to create a hierarchy for your webpage.
    • Use <p> tags to write text in paragraphs.
    • Always follow the order of headings and keep your text simple.

    HTML Headings and Paragraphs Quiz

    Test your knowledge about HTML headings and paragraphs by answering the following questions. Each question has one correct answer. Click “Finish Quiz” to view your results.

    Quiz: HTML Headings and Paragraphs